It’s me! Gina!

Gina, Nancy & Tom on location.
I have been crafting since I was a little kid. I get a tremendous pleasure playing with the colors and textures each different product category and technique produce. I can’t draw a stick figure but crafting allows me to make things that are pretty. I have knitted for so long I don’t remember who taught me. As far as quilting, I have Nancy to blame for that.J I took her Learn to Quilt class several years ago and got hooked. I’m collecting quite a craft stash – yarn, fabric, glass, jewelry-making and just about every other craft around.
I started broadcasting in 1982 at Michigan State University’s WKAR-TV. In addition to my public relations job, I also ran camera, edited and was on-air talent during many of our live auctions and pledge drives. Boy, has technology changed since